Saturday, January 16, 2016

This and That

Before dance Thursday, Zuri and I went to Babies R Us so I could return something. She insisted on picking out pajamas for her baby brother. :o)

I received this picture from Zuri's teacher Friday. Her class started computer lab time this semester.

Today was a fairly lazy day - until Kids' Night Out at her dance studio. 

Zuri has had this locket for a while now. We finally put pictures in this morning. Zuri picked the pictures (her baby brother and then our Christmas tree).
Zuri was taking pictures with her phone. I looked at them and found this selfie. Ha!
I napped off and on most of today. At one point, I looked over and saw this. Soooo sweet. 
I mentioned before that Zuri had a Kids' Night Out tonight. Zuri was excited!  
While she was there, Brent and I went to dinner and then grocery shopped. Zuri wasn't ready to leave when we picked her up (she never is!).

Zuri and Gemma.  They are in dance class together. 
Zuri finished making her mask before we left. 
Finished product. 

We are home and she's in bed now. She's excited to go to church tomorrow. She's been asking about God and Jesus lately so we promised her we would go to church so she can learn more. 

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