Friday, January 1, 2016

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016!

NYE morning...
Brent and I both got off work early so we picked Zuri up and went to lunch. Before lunch though, Brent took Zuri to.....where else.....Starbucks!  She got a cake pop of course!
After lunch, we went home and hung out. Zuri decided to have snack time with her babies. They had popcorn shrimp. :o)
We let Zuri stay up as late as she could. She loved playing and watching the countdown shows. 
She also put on her own concert:

She lasted until 10pm and then asked to go to bed.  :o)

New Year's Day, we had a busy day. Brent went to the Auto Show. Zuri and I met Papaw for lunch and then went to Target with him and Aunt Julie. 

Our first family photo of 2016...
Being silly with Papaw...
She is not spoiled at all. Aunt Julie bought the lemonade stand and cookies. Papaw bought the cake pop. 
Before Daddy got home, Zuri showed me her different faces...
We had dinner with the Hensons on New Year's Day. The girls had a great time!

We had a great 2015 and look forward to an even better 2016 with our newest addition, William!!

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