Sunday, January 10, 2016

Snow Day

Today was our first measurable snow of the season. Zuri was super excited about it!  She wanted to make a snowman, but it was too cold. We played inside until it was time for lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Schulz. Zuri was very fashionable for lunch...
Zuri was being extra silly at lunch. She put on some "lips."  Haha!
We stopped at Starbucks after lunch for a cake pop for Zuri. 
Zuri had asked to go to Chuck E Cheese this morning. She never asks and since it was so cold out, we decided to take her. Tony and Breeanna joined us.

Basketball time...
This was like the Price is Right - spin the wheel. Zuri loved it!
She hit for the jackpot - 125 tickets!!
Zuri beat all of us in the water gun race. Tony was not happy. Ha!!
All these tickets (1510 total - she got 2 more after this pic).....
Equal this.....
Here are some pics and cards from today. 
Thanks, Bree, for joining us!!
After Chuck E Cheese, we went to dinner. Zuri had my phone for a bit. I found this selfie. :o)
When we got home, Zuri played school. She used her new Frozen hat to match her Frozen backpack. 

Have a great week, everybody!

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