Sunday, January 3, 2016

This and That

Zuri helped me fold her clothes this morning and did a pretty good job!

She has been saying "whatever" quite a bit lately. She picked this up today:

It took some time, but Zuri finally started playing at Justice's birthday party.  She played hide and seek with Mason and Gannon for at least 20 minutes (or so it seemed). 

I was able to get a picture of the big kids with the birthday girl. :o)

After dinner, I walked into the living room to this. 

She told me she was pregnant and had to go for an ultrasound to find out if it's a boy or girl. Daddy had to drive her because the doctor said she couldn't since she's pregnant. Ha!  She even has the body positioning down - hands on back of hips and all!!

Then, I hear her tell Brent that it needs to be her turn on the exercise machine because it helps her diabetes. 

This girl cracks me up!!

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