Saturday, January 30, 2016

College Visit

We met up with Uncle Eric, Aunt Karen, Trevor, and Madeline for lunch down at IU. Zuri was intrigued about college. She kept asking where it was. When we told her the campus was big, she was confused. She wanted us to point out just one building!  After lunch at Bub's, we went back to see Trevor's dorm.  It was a great day for a visit.

On our way!
Aunt Karen and Z
Uncle Eric and Z with her cool shades on. 
Silly Uncle Eric!
Like father, like son...
Z likes Madeline more than Trev.
Wait, maybe not?
On the way to see Trev's dorm. 
Zuri posing inside the dorm. 
She told Trev he needed to clean and then she started cleaning. Ha!
Getting ready to leave. Bye, Trev and Madeline!

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