Friday, January 22, 2016

Funday Friday

Zuri had a fun filled Friday!  After school, she got to hang out with Aunt Karen while Daddy got his haircut. Then, we went to dinner to celebrate Aunt Julie's birthday. After that, we went to Kohl's. Zuri picked out some stuff for her baby brother as well as for herself. :o) She's really excited for tomorrow - my Baby Sprinkle!  She told me she will help me open the gifts and she doesn't care that the gifts aren't for her because she just likes unwrapping gifts. Ha!

Selfie before school. 
Selfie with Karen (Karen cropped herself out!). 
Ready for dinner! Notice the phone in her pocket?!  lol
Zuri, Emerson, and LB. 1 out of 3 smiling...not bad. Ha!
Group photo. Happy birthday, Aunt Julie!
Ready to shop!
This is what she picked out for her baby brother, William. :o)

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