Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday Fun

We went to dinner with Julie, Justin, Allie, Scotty, and Ayla for Ayla's birthday.

Birthday girl!
Scotty wore the sombrero so Zuri would. Zuri still wouldn't wear it though. :o)
I wanted a picture of me and Zuri. 
And Julie!
Then Zuri said she wanted to take a picture of herself. Preparing for the blog, I found these!!!
Scotty, Zuri, and Ayla. 

After dinner it was time to go see Kyle, Amber, Emerson, and LB!

The kids loved taking turns pulling the wagon.  Here is LB pulling Zuri and Emerson. 
Emerson wouldn't stand still for a picture so.......
LB, Emerson, and Zuri. So cute!

We had a great night!

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