Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Zuri was excited to see what Mommy and Daddy got her for Valentine's Day!!  We sent Daddy a video saying Happy Valentine's Day and then Zuri got to open her gift!  She got a dry erase board that allows her to trace her letters and a cute little bracelet. They were both purchased at Mass Ave Toy Store. If you've never been, GO!!!

Zuri took in Valentine's cards for her class party. She came home with a ton of goodies!!!

Once I was finally able to get home, we ate dinner and then Zuri decided she wanted a mani/pedi. Daddy was kind enough to do that for her!

Now we are watching YouTube videos (ok, video....she's hooked on this one with all the Disney princesses!). 

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!

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