Sunday, February 9, 2014


Zuri went to Eric's and Karen's while Daddy went to the store and Mommy worked.  She wanted to wear her Elsa dress, but it was in the dirty clothes so she settled for this:

When we went to pick her up, we all decided to go out for lunch.  Zuri picked Logan's.  Trevor asked if she wanted Logan's Steakhouse and she said, "NO, I said Logan's."  HA! 

She insisted on sitting by Trevor.  Eric got hosed because of that.  :o)
Zuri was telling Trevor that she was a winner and he was a loser.  Oh my....

On the way home, I was certain Zuri had fallen asleep so I used my phone as a mirror and this is what she did.
Brent said she was mean muggin' me.  Maybe she was.  I thought it was funny though.  :o)

She was pretty much asleep by time we got home and then she slept for about 2 hours!  Too bad she doesn't do that at school.  No, instead she wakes up early and tries to wake her friends up!!!

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