Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!!

We had a nice Father's Day.  We started with hanging out at home with Zuri.  We went to Jockamo for lunch with my dad and step mom where the dads received a nice pint glass!  Then we hit Sam's Club and went back home.  Dinner with Brent's dad and step mom at BJ's Brewhouse where the dads received a nice pint glass.  Brent now has 4 new pint glasses!  :)  Zuri and I are still working on Brent's Father's Day gift so stay tuned to find out.

Z and Daddy reading the paper.
Zuri's new obsession is Elmo.  She LOVES Elmo and believe it or not, she does not have an Elmo doll.  Good thing we have Netflix.
Z watching Elmo.

I'll help daddy out since he had to get up.

Z waving bye-bye to mommy after eating at Jockamo.

Z and Grandpa Cox

I just LOVE this picture!  Zuri did not want to come to me.  :)

Grandma Schulz, Zuri, and Daddy after dinner.

Brent, I hope you had a nice Father's Day.  Zuri and I love you very much!!!

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