Sunday, April 1, 2012

Z's BFF, Alana, is 1!!

Today was Alana's 1st birthday party. Zuri was very excited about it. Not only because her BFF is now 1, but also because she knew that meant some sweets!!  She would not stop going towards the treats table.  Not good!!!  LOL

Here are some pictures from today.

Mmmmmm, yummy.

Mommy, did you really think I wouldn't just walk around here to get the controller?

Such a big girl!

It took Alana a little bit to warm up to us.  I just love the look on her face!

That's better!  Love her pigtails!!

Someone needs a bath!

Zuri loves Ray
We caught daddy napping.

Worn out from the party.
After the birthday party, we went to Eric and Karen's.  I am a bad mommy and didn't get any pictures while we were there.  Once the cupcakes were brought out, Zuri was all about them.  She would go to anyone that would take her near them!!!

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