Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Zuri had an appointment with an ophthalmologist today for her clogged tear duct.  Since I had an appointment in the morning too, I took the day off.  Zuri had to have her eyes dilated.  She did really well.  Once we left, though, the sun was a bit too much for her.  She was so tired after the appointment that she was asleep before I got her strapped into the seat!
Here she is on our way to the doctor.

You can see that her eyes are dilated here.

Waiting for the doctor.

 After a short nap, we met Aunt Julie for lunch at Cheesecake Factory.  Here's Zuri with her favorite CCF waiter, Andy!
Once daddy got home, we went to Meijer to pick up a few things and we ran into Sandy and Clayton.  I forced Clayton to hold Zuri.  :)  Ignore the aisle we were in.  LOL

If you're wondering, the doctor said that our options for the clogged tear duct are to continue the warm compress/massages or surgery to open up the tear duct.  We are talking it over.

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