Monday, April 30, 2012

50 Shades

I was told today that my reading the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy is making me neglect Zuri's blog.  :)  So, here you go!

I didn't see Zuri before bed Friday because I had a board meeting.  Brent sent me this picture and caption.
Z's punk rawk face!

Saturday, Brent went to Dark Lord 2012 in Munster so Zuri and I spent the day together.  We had lunch with Aunt Julie and hung out at home.
She was pretty hungry.

Crazy hair!!!

Yesterday, Aunt Junie brought a belated birthday gift by.  Zuri loves it!
Everyone off the roads, here I come!
 Then we went to get yogurt with Uncle Eric, Aunt Karen, and Trev.
Why are you making me hang out here instead of going back in for more yogurt?

Here's a picture from tonight.  She's so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Zuri you are such a beautiful princess I just wished I could see you more:) Grandma Newbold loves you Zuri Lane:)
