Saturday, January 21, 2012

Time flies when you're having fun

Zuri had a very busy day today.  After waking up at 3am (from a nightmare, we supposed), she slept until about 7:30.  She thought she would try on daddy's shirt.  Cute, right?

She had company in the morning --- all the way from Alabama!  Aunt Tina and Uncle Ed came by for a visit as did the Aunt Js.  :)

By time they left, it was time to leave for chili with Joe, Rhonda, and the kids.  Daddy's been talking non stop about Joe's chili!!  Beth was kind enough to bring some books and read to Zuri.

Zuri decided she was over the Pebbles look so she took her hair down.  Joe and Brent agreed she had a Flock of Seagulls look going on (just like daddy back in the day).

After hanging out with them, we went to dinner with some family.  We got home just in time to give Zuri and bath and put her to bed!

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