Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Super Bowl XLVI

Brent and Zuri met me at work this afternoon so we could go check out Super Bowl Village on Georgia Street.  Before doing that, we said hey to a few of my co-workers.  Ron must have liked Zuri because he gave her a Late Show hat.  :)  I didn't get a picture of her wearing it (bad mommy).  I'll take one tomorrow.

Here are some pictures from today.
Daddy and Z in front of the Roman numerals

Mommy and Z in front of the Roman numerals

The Roman numerals  :o)

Um, why did you put me back in the stroller?

Daddy, Z, and Mommy by the Pepsi stage - Z is checking out the people!

It got windy so we bundled Z up

We went to Scotty's for dinner afterwards and Z colored (okay, and ate the crayons)

All that excitement made Z very tired!

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