Sunday, January 29, 2012

2T or not 2T?

When Zuri woke up, I told her we would be going shopping with Aunt Junie at Gymboree.  I asked her if she wanted to get clothes for now or stock up on 2T clothes.  Decisions, decisions!  Oh, and yes, I know - I probably should trim her bangs.  :(

We, I mean Zuri, decided she had enough clothes for right now so she told Aunt Junie to stock up on 2T clothes.  I think we are set!!  :o)

After shopping, we went to Lila's birthday party.  Zuri met James for the first time.  He is about 10 weeks younger than Zuri.  I don't think he was a fan of her trying to touch him!!  LOL
Don't touch me!
Please don't touch me!

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