Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Super Bowl XLVI

Brent and Zuri met me at work this afternoon so we could go check out Super Bowl Village on Georgia Street.  Before doing that, we said hey to a few of my co-workers.  Ron must have liked Zuri because he gave her a Late Show hat.  :)  I didn't get a picture of her wearing it (bad mommy).  I'll take one tomorrow.

Here are some pictures from today.
Daddy and Z in front of the Roman numerals

Mommy and Z in front of the Roman numerals

The Roman numerals  :o)

Um, why did you put me back in the stroller?

Daddy, Z, and Mommy by the Pepsi stage - Z is checking out the people!

It got windy so we bundled Z up

We went to Scotty's for dinner afterwards and Z colored (okay, and ate the crayons)

All that excitement made Z very tired!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

2T or not 2T?

When Zuri woke up, I told her we would be going shopping with Aunt Junie at Gymboree.  I asked her if she wanted to get clothes for now or stock up on 2T clothes.  Decisions, decisions!  Oh, and yes, I know - I probably should trim her bangs.  :(

We, I mean Zuri, decided she had enough clothes for right now so she told Aunt Junie to stock up on 2T clothes.  I think we are set!!  :o)

After shopping, we went to Lila's birthday party.  Zuri met James for the first time.  He is about 10 weeks younger than Zuri.  I don't think he was a fan of her trying to touch him!!  LOL
Don't touch me!
Please don't touch me!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Girls Lunch!

Zuri and I had lunch with Rachael, Alana, Krista, and Halle today.  It was a great time!



Zuri wasn't thrilled with my holding another baby so I held them both!

Brent, Zuri, and I went to Gallaghers II to use our Groupon.  We decided to try out a booster seat and Zuri did really well with it.  She is growing up way too fast!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Where does time go?

My friend, Jodie, had her little boy, Lucas, today.  Brent and I visited tonight and held him.  He is so precious and so little!  I remember when Zuri was first born and how little she seemed.  I miss it!!  I also miss being pregnant (call me crazy).  Zuri is growing up way too fast.  Everyone told me that would happen, but you don't truly understand until it happens.  I treasure each and every day with Zuri, but I really miss when she was first born and all she wanted/needed was mommy or daddy.  She still loves us and needs us, of course, but she is becoming Little Miss Independent!  She does not want to be held.  She wants to crawl around and play with things she isn't supposed to.  She is eating anything and everything (besides the no-no foods like PB, honey, shellfish).  She has 6 teeth.  She probably needs her bangs trimmed, but I refuse!  She can work my iPhone better than some grown adults.  She will be walking before her birthday, I'm just sure of it.  She is just becoming such a big girl.  I wish I could bottle up those first few months of her life and relive them whenever I want! 

Everyone has asked us if we are going to have another baby.  The answer is no.  Maybe if we had more money and a bigger house.  The reality is that we don't.  We want to give Zuri everything she deserves and bringing another baby into this world would not allow us to do that.  We don't want to "jip" Zuri or any other baby if we were to have one.  I know, I know.....lots of people have more than 1 child that are not rich or are crammed for space, but that is just something we don't want to do.  So, I shall live vicariously through friends.  Shawn and Mandy, it's about time for you to have one, right?!

Since I know you want to see Princess Zuri, here's a picture from this morning!  She is the cutest thing ever and I do not want her to grow up A.N.Y.M.O.R.E!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Time flies when you're having fun

Zuri had a very busy day today.  After waking up at 3am (from a nightmare, we supposed), she slept until about 7:30.  She thought she would try on daddy's shirt.  Cute, right?

She had company in the morning --- all the way from Alabama!  Aunt Tina and Uncle Ed came by for a visit as did the Aunt Js.  :)

By time they left, it was time to leave for chili with Joe, Rhonda, and the kids.  Daddy's been talking non stop about Joe's chili!!  Beth was kind enough to bring some books and read to Zuri.

Zuri decided she was over the Pebbles look so she took her hair down.  Joe and Brent agreed she had a Flock of Seagulls look going on (just like daddy back in the day).

After hanging out with them, we went to dinner with some family.  We got home just in time to give Zuri and bath and put her to bed!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A little of this, a little of that

Here's what we did this past weekend.

A little playing

A little visit to Ralph and Lane's

A little call from Zach Morris

A little Mickey Mouse

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Are we in Indiana?

It sure didn't feel like January 10th in Indiana today.  It was sunny and close to 60 degrees!  When I got home from work, we took Zuri to the park to swing.  She enjoyed it!  I'm having issues with uploading on here so I'll try to add pictures first thing in the morning.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


We made pizza last night and Zuri wanted some.  She made a mess and one of the cutest faces ever!

Tony, Anthony, Breeanna, and Paige came by today for a visit.  Here's a picture of Breeanna and Zuri.  :)

Brent captured this picture during Zuri's bath.  Cutest thing EVER!

Okay, so are you wondering about the title of this post?  Well, we put up a couple of gates today.  Zuri liked to crawl to them and pull up on them.  This made her look like she was in jail!  Here are a couple pics of her.
Let me out, mommy!

Pretty please!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

10 months

I say it every month (okay, every day) --- I can't believe how fast Zuri is growing up.  She is 10 months old.  How in the world did that happen?  It literally seems like yesterday that we got our first look at our little peanut....

Here's her monthly picture.  :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

On NYE, Zuri decided she wanted to be like Pebbles so, of course, I let her.

Grandpa John offered to watch Zuri so Brent and I could go out.  We opted for an afternoon movie (The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo), dinner (BJs Brewhouse), and then we went to Shallos with Franco.  When I checked on Zuri about 8pm, my dad said she wasn't really sleeping well.  He called to see if he should get her out of bed and I could hear her screaming!  Brent and I came home and she was happy go lucky now that she was out of her bed.  I think she wanted to try to stay up to see the ball drop.  :o)  She went bed about 9pm.  Brent and I were in bed before midnight.  You might say we are losers, but we were glad to be in bed before midnight since Zuri decided to get up at 5am!  Here's a picture of Zuri trying to leave with Grandpa John (or should I say, Grandpa John trying to take Zuri!).

Here are a few pictures from New Year's Day.
Zuri and daddy were playing with daddy's hat.  She thought it was funny!

Here, let me get money for my piggy banks.

Forget the cash, let's go shopping mommy!

Today, we went shopping and then to lunch.  Zuri was very curious about the snow.  I didn't get a picture of that, but here's a picture of her from lunch.

We hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year.  I don't know how 2012 can top 2011 since Zuri was born in 2011.  :)