Friday, October 21, 2011

Sleeping Beauty, California, Hooters, and Bath Time!

Zuri did not want to get up this morning.  I had to turn the light on at 6:20 to wake her up.  Here's what I found!

I don't want to get up Mommy.

Oh, okay!

Cousin Leslie bought this for Zuri.  Isn't it cute?!  :o)

Can we go visit Cousin Leslie in California?

We decided to go to Hooters for dinner.  Zuri enjoyed it.  There was a 39th birthday being celebrated.  We were sitting right up front so we got to see it all.  Zuri was in awe!  Oh, and we saw Mrs. Stanley!  I haven't seen her since High School graduation!!!

Staring at the waitress.

What are they doing up there?  Why is that man moving his behind?

When we got home, we took a bath and went to bed. 

Hi Daddy!

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