Monday, October 17, 2011

Mommy's Little Pumpkin

Zuri doesn't like to have things on her head so I wasn't surprised when she did this...

She didn't end up taking it off though.  :)

When I picked her up from daycare, Claudia said she left it on the entire day!  She didn't, however, leave her onesie on the entire day.  That's okay, because she is cute in anything she wears!!

So we went to the doctor today because Zuri had a few spots pop up that are similar to how the MRSA began before.  The doctor put her on antibiotics and is treating it as thought it is MRSA again.  The three of us (me, Brent, and Zuri) have to use an prescription ointment 4 times a day in our nostrils.  One of us is probably a carrier so doing this for 2 weeks will kill it.  Here's hoping that's the case (that one of us is the carrier) so we can get rid of this once and for all.  Zuri can't be on antibiotics forever.

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