Sunday, August 21, 2011

Monkey Z, Monkey Sue

So Zuri has this new thing - sticking her tongue out!  It just started this past Thursday.  It's so cute!!  I know it won't be later, but it is for now.  :)

Today was the Gwen Mitchell Bowl-a-Thon at Southern Bowl.  Zuri had a blast.  She got to hang out with Rich and Jodie.  She even took a little nap on mommy.  Brent and I were pretty lucky.  There were 7 tickets left for the 50/50 raffle so Brent bought them ---- he won!  Then I took $20 from that and bought raffle tickets.  I won a washers game set, a $15 Visa gift card, and a Bud Light Colts Team of the Decade mirror!  I won't bother telling you what my score was.  Let's just say I thought I was playing golf where the lower the score, the better!!

Here are some pictures from the bowling alley.

When we got home, Nikki came to visit as well as Uncle Eric, Aunt Karen, and Cousin Trevor.  Karen asked if Zuri was sitting up on her own and I told her she wasn't.  Well Zuri made a liar of me.  Karen sat her in front of Trevor and she sat up by herself for quite a long time.  She's not doing it all the time, but it was cool to see her do it for the first time!  Of course I took a picture.

Zuri has a Sophie the Giraffe and she loves to bite her head off!

You're probably wondering about the title of this post.  When I was younger, my Uncle Butch nicknamed me Monkey Sue (my middle name is Sue).  He still calls me that to this day!  He decided Zuri would be Little Monkey Sue (I think that's what he said).  Well, my Aunt Lisa came up with Monkey Z, Monkey Sue (you know - monkey see, monkey do).  I thought it was cute.  :)  Today, Z had a monkey on her butt and she has on monkey pajamas tonight.

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