Sunday, August 28, 2011


We hung out at home this morning.  Zuri took a nap on daddy for a little bit and then it was play time.

We went to lunch, Gymboree (our favorite store), and Kroger.  When we got back, Zuri took a couple more small (20min or less) naps.  My aunt, uncle, and cousin came over for dinner and she took more naps.  All the while, she was her usual smiley self (except for a couple of times she would fuss a little).  Here are some pics from dinner.

That's my happy-go-lucky little girl!

She went to bed about an hour after these pictures were taken (without taking her bottle - she didn't want it).  About 9:15, she woke up.  This is not like her so we went in there and poor thing was burning up.  We took her temperature and it was 102.4.  I read through the booklet our pediatrician gave us and it seems we are okay right now.  We gave her Tylenol and she went back to bed after about 15 minutes.  We will see how the night progresses.  I thought she had allergies because she's been sneezing and her eye is a little watery.  I guess it's a cold or it could still be allergies but she has a fever from teething.  I have no idea.

I'll keep you posted.

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