Thursday, December 17, 2015

Magic Restoration

Zuri told us tonight that she accidentally touched our elf, Author, while trying to tell him a secret. She was devastated. We researched and found that if you apologize to your elf and sprinkle cinnamon around your elf, his magic will be restored. He will then be checked out by the doctors at the North Pole. 

Zuri apologized to Author and told him she hoped the doctor could fix him.  We then put some cinnamon around him. 

Author got his hands dirty getting out of the cup holder. 

Zuri will find Author in her baby brother's crib with a note to her. :o)

In 2 short days, I've come a long way from, "I refuse to get an Elf on the Shelf because I don't want to move it around!"

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