Saturday, December 12, 2015

Letter to Santa

This morning, we decided to write a letter to Santa and take it downtown to mail it. She asked for a stuffed animal Lambie and a stuffed animal kitty. :o)
Zuri loved the idea of being downtown.
To get this next picture, I had to bribe Zuri with Starbucks!
Starbucks was right across the street so we stopped in. 
After Starbucks, Zuri wanted to go to the observation deck of the monument. The elevator doesn't go all the way up - you still have to take 3 flights of stairs. The stairs are very narrow and the rails were very wet!  Not a good combination for a pregnant woman and a 4 year old. I barely fit with my prego belly and then Zuri slipped on our way down. She is okay, it mostly scared her. Anyway, we can say we did it now. Ha!

On the elevator ride up.  It was right in there too!
On the observation deck. 
After we got done, we looked around the gift shop.
After we got done there, we stopped by IPL to see their tree. Zuri was fascinated. 
I talked Zuri into taking a #loveindy picture too!

The last stop was lunch and then home. Later today, we have the Gill Family Christmas. Brent is dressing like the Grinch and Zuri will be Cindy Lou Who. 

Stay tuned!!

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