Monday, December 28, 2015

Conversations With Zuri

Conversation tonight with Zuri while we are all taking turns on the elliptical:

Me: Where do you want to have your birthday party?  At dance like last year?

Zuri: No, let me think. 
        (5 seconds later)
        I know you don't want to hear this   
        and I know you will probably say no, 
        but I want my birthday in Disney         

Me: Um, yeah, we can't do that. It's too 
       far and no one will be able to come 
       to the party (never mind the fact that 
       I will have just given birth to her baby 
       brother a week prior).

Zuri: (in her whiny voice). Okay.

We settled on the Plainfield Aquatic Center so she can swim in March. :o)

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