Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!!

Zuri spent the night with Aunt Julie last night. When she came home, we tried on some costumes and then changed into her Halloween outfit. 

Julie put on a witch's hat for this picture. :o)
I asked Zuri to show me her diva pose and this is what I got.  We are in trouble. 
Happy Halloween from both my babies!!
Zuri received these fangs at her school party yesterday. She loves wearing them!
We went to Uncle Jon's and Aunt Amanda's to trick or treat. Here are the kiddos with Jon. I think Jon had just as much fun tonight as the kids. :o)
Claire and Zuri.  So sweet!
A Halloween family picture. 
Aren't they super cute?!
Zuri made out like a bandit!!
We really lucked out with the weather. It was supposed to be really cold and rainy. We were able to walk around for an hour without rain. It started sprinkling just a few minutes before we were back at the house. 

Happy Halloween!!!!!

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