Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Catch Up....

Saturday was Zuri's last soccer game and award ceremony. To celebrate, we went to Starbucks for hot chocolate and breakfast. Zuri opted for a cake pop. :o)
When we got to the fields, we were told the game was cancelled due to the extreme cold so we went straight to the awards ceremony. Zuri was excited to get a medal!

Go Hawks!
Zuri with Coach Russ.
Zuri and Raeleigh.
Zuri and Papaw. He came to several games and we are glad he did!!
Mommy and Daddy with their little soccer player.
Now the infamous soccer picture. I mentioned before that I knew it would turn out to be a mug shot because she wouldn't smile at all!  I still think it's a cute picture!

Sunday, we had Zayne for a little bit in the afternoon. Here's a pic of me with Zuri before we went to lunch and picked up Zayne. 
Z and Z at lunch. :o)

We ended up seeing Zayne again after school on Monday too!

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