Sunday, October 11, 2015

Fun Filled Weekend!

I brought cake home Friday after work and Zuri decided it was her birthday and she needed candles!
Zuri had a soccer game Saturday morning. She loves throwing the ball in (she turned around before throwing it!). 
After the game, we met up with Julie, Junie, Bri, Kyle, Amber, and Emerson to go to AppleWorks. 
It was busier than I've ever seen it, but we found parking and were determined to have fun!
Zuri picked this pumpkin for her baby brother. She ended up with 4 pumpkins - 2 for her, 1 for her baby brother, and 1 for Justice. 
Giant pumpkin photos!
Emerson, Zuri, and Bri on the top of the haystack. :o)

There was a zip line there this year and Zuri loved it!!! Check out the video:

After we got home, Zuri painted two pumpkins. The one on the left is her baby brother's and she painted it green because that will be his favorite color. :o)

This morning, we went to breakfast with Papaw John.

After asking all day for Justice to come by, she finally made it!  Zuri painted the pumpkin for her. 

Hope you all had a great weekend too!

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