Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sleepovers, Swimming, and Much More

Friday night, Zuri spent the night with Aunt Junie. She had to FaceTime me 3 times within an hour. Ha! During one call, she was talking to me and drinking her lemonade. :o)
Saturday was Zuri's last swim lesson. She has done great this summer!  I asked for some pictures. This is what I got. lol

Then she laid down on me all sweet and innocent. Looks can be deceiving. ;o)
Zuri had another sleepover Saturday night.....with Mommy and Daddy. We put the air mattress in the living room and slept. 
We had two parties to go to today. First was Zayne's first birthday party. Zuri did her hair. :o)
After the birthday party was a meet the new baby party for Raeleigh's and Elly's little brother, Camden.  Zuri loved holding him. She said she hopes her baby brother is like him. She sang to him, rocked him, and talked to him. It was super cute. She asked Rachael and Brad if she could take him home. :o) I told her that she would have her own baby brother or sister soon enough. She said that would be forever away. Haha!
She also got her nails painted at the party. She loved it!!  Band-Aids courtesy of a cat scratch - Zuri couldn't leave the car alone!

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