Sunday, August 23, 2015

Party Weekend

Friday night, we stopped by Eric's and Karen's after dinner to say happy birthday to Eric. Zuri wanted to spend the night so we let her. :o)

Saturday, we had swim lesson and then we went shopping for soccer gear for Zuri. Later in the day, we went to Sunny's birthday party. Zuri also wanted to spend the night there so....  :o)

After we picked Zuri up today, we went to a surprise birthday party for a friend of mine. Zuri wanted to hold the baby there.  She was so cute with her!

Zuri and I took a nap after the party. A much needed nap!!  After nap, it was dinner and bath time.  Zuri was being extra silly during bath tonight. 

Zuri's had a fun filled weekend. Now it's time to get ready for school tomorrow!!

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