Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Celebration Continues

Friday was Zuri's 4 year wellness visit.  She is 3.5 feet tall and still in the 90th plus percentile for height and weight.  We opted to get her immunizations this year versus next. There were 3 shots. Zuri did fantastic. She cried after the 2nd shot but was okay before we left.  The only thing the doctor was concerned with was Zuri's tip-toe walking. We have to do stretches daily and keep reminding her to walk flat-footed. If there isn't significant improvement in the next 2-3 months, then we will go see a pediatric orthopedic doctor.

Scotty and Ayla hung out with us yesterday and spent the night. We had lots of fun!  Papaw even brought us donuts and chocolate milk. :o)

We celebrated Claire's 4th birthday today. While there, Zuri got to open a gift from Aunt Dina, Uncle Ron, and Brandon. 

We left Claire's party and went home to celebrate Zuri's birthday with Grandma and Grandpa Schulz. Sunny joined us. 

After that celebration, Papaw John and Grandma Andrea came by with their birthday gift for Zuri. A brand new Frozen bike!  Papaw saw a picture of Zuri riding her old bike and decided that knees touching handle bars wasn't good. :o)

I think the birthday celebrations are over...... 

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