Sunday, March 29, 2015

Party Weekend

This weekend was filled with lots of family  time. 

After swim lesson, we met Grandma Newbold for lunch at McAlister's. 
Zuri and I met Julie at Kohls to shop. Zuri picked this card out for her cousin, Brandon. He's not sick. He's moving to North Carolina. :)
We had a going away dinner for Brandon at Fujiyama. It was a great time! 
See you soon, Brandon. Enjoy NC!

Today, we wore our tiaras. Zuri said she was the Queen and I was the Princess.  This meant she was my mother (she reiterated that). 
We took a short nap before heading to Bri's birthday party. :o)
Bri's party was at the Plainfield Aquatic Center.  Zuri had a blast and I think Bri did too!

Aren't they cute?!
Zayne and Andy sporting their hats. 
Zuri let Andy hold her for a pic so I did this side by side collage. 
After the party, we went to a local diner to eat. Zuri had oatmeal with cinnamon toast. She loved it. 

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