Sunday, March 1, 2015

Snow Bunny Z

The roads weren't the best this morning but that didn't keep Papaw away!
After breakfast, we decided to brave the roads and go sledding.  We went to the Greenwood Library around 10:30 this morning. There was only 1 other family sledding!  Tony, Bree, Papaw, Eric, Karen, Trev, and Julie all joined.  Everyone took a turn sledding except Karen --- even Papaw and Julie took a turn!!

Here's Papaw sledding down with Zuri.

Tony brought a snow board. He and Bree are pretty good on it. I fell flat on my back. Haha!

Zuri did much better than I did!!

After almost 2 hours of sledding, we went to Monkey Joe's to celebrate Max's birthday. 

As you can probably guess, Zuri and I took a nap after Monkey Joe's. :)

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