Sunday, January 18, 2015

This And That

I have been slacking on the blog the past couple weeks so here's a hodgepodge post. :)

Zuri enjoys hot cocoa. She looks so grown up here!
She wanted to help Papaw John weld something. 
We love being silly. :o)
Zuri loves tormenting Aunt Karen by only giving Trevor and Eric hugs. 
Hugs for Papaw John too!
Last weekend, we went to Aunt Amanda's and Uncle John's for the Colts game. The princesses wanted to play Pac Man. Jack was helping and then I saw this. So sweet!
Being silly with Jack. Caught Zuri mid blink. lol
Zuri and Claire gave Aunt Amanda the royal treatment. 
Last Tuesday, Aunt Brandii and Justice came by. Zuri wanted to hold Justice with her "relaxing thing" up (i.e. She wanted to recline)
"Excuse me, excuse me, call on me!"
Show and tell.....J week. Jake and Jasmine. Na na na boo boo. 
Enjoying some TV last night. 
Snuggles with Justice and Zuri this morning. :o)
This afternoon, we hung out with Andy, Anne, Bri, and Zayne. Watch out when these two get their licenses!

Hope everyone has also had a great couple weeks!

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