Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sleepover, TMNT, and Pictures....Oh My!

Friday night, Zuri had a sleepover at her cousins' (Jack and Claire).  She had a great time!

Zuri was ready!
We all met for lunch Saturday. Aren't they cute?!
After lunch, we hung out with Uncle Eric and Trevor for a bit. 

For dinner, Zuri and I went to Pizza King Station with Aunt Brandii and Justice. 
After dinner, Zuri and I went shopping for new outfits for pics of her and Justice. She actually stayed in the cart the entire time!
This was her favorite purchase!

Today, we had the pictures taken. Here's a sneak peek. 
After pictures, Zuri rode a ride inside the mall. Justice was worn out from pictures. It's tough being 4 weeks old. 

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