Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

We had a fun filled long weekend!  Zuri and I didn't make it to see midnight on NYE. Oh well. :) New Year Day, we had lunch with Papaw, Julie, and Emerson.

We are goofy. :)
Aren't they sweet?!
Friday, we went to Daylight Donuts for breakfast. Yummy!
We took Junie a donut at work. 
We then had lunch with Tony, Bree, and Anthony. Zuri ended up going to their house for a sleepover. While Zuri was over there, we had company. :) She's so sweet. 
We picked Zuri up Saturday morning. She is a fashionista. LOL
Saturday night, we had dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Schulz down in Nashville at Big Woods Pizza. 
We walked around for a little bit. Zuri looks so cute here (as usual). 
After Grandma and Grandpa went home, we watched TV.  She had this very serious look going on for awhile. 
Today, we had breakfast with Papaw John at Hotcake Emporium. 
After breakfast, we hung out at home and haven't done much other than grocery shop and cook. Brent and Zuri did buy me roses for my birthday!  I have a dozen for home and a dozen to take to work. :)

We hope everyone else had a great New Year!!

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