Sunday, June 1, 2014

Working, Wedding, Weeding Weekend

Saturday, we put Zuri to work putting together the table my co-worker gave us. 

Then, Jack and Claire came by for a few hours. They had fun!

Saturday night, we had my cousin's wedding. Derek and Ashley make a gorgeous couple. Zuri was up late partying and was mad when we left at Seymour!  We got home around 10ish. :)

Today, we ate breakfast outside at Einstein bagel and then we went home and weeded through Zuri's toys. We made 2 piles: keep and give away to kids who don't have toys. We are giving about 5 bags away of toys and books. I'm very proud of Zuri for doing this!
Nap time!  Isn't she so sweet when she is sleeping?!  :)

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