Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fun Times!

Zuri got to spend some time in the pool Saturday and her cousin's open house. Congrats, Alex!!  I had another open house to go to so Daddy took Zuri. He sent me this picture. Zuri and Lili!
For dinner, we went to Chris' and Nicole's new house. Zuri loved playing with Hayden and Halle in their backyard. Halle and Zuri butted heads just a few times. ;)
Papaw John came by for breakfast this morning. I thought this sight was too cute. :)
Zuri spent some time with Eric, Karen, and Trevor while Mommy and Daddy went shopping. After lunch, Zuri and I went to The Flying Cupcake with Julie. Yummy!
Zuri was being extremely silly at dinner. 

We hope everyone else had a great weekend!  Back to the grind tomorrow. 

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