Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to everyone!  We had a great night last night and day today. Zuri and I took Daddy to Kabutos for dinner last night then went swimming next door. :)
Today, Zuri visited Eric, Karen, and Trevor while Daddy and I went shopping. When we picked her up, I told her I wanted a picture of her with Daddy. She told me to wait and let them get to the tree. I guess it made for a better picture. Ha!
After dinner, Papaw came by and Zuri helped with dishes!!  Too cute!
We decided to go to Meijer and DQ. At Meijer, we ran into Eric, Karen, and Trevor!  They went with us to DQ. Zuri wanted Eric's ice cream cone. :)
This was too cute not to take a picture of. :)

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!  We hope you had a great day. 

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