Sunday, October 28, 2012

Zuri has a boyfriend

We went to visit our friends, Zak and Zoe, who welcomed their 2nd son, Ryder, into this world last week.  Reed is a few months older than Zuri and today was only the 2nd time they had ever met.  First, Ryder is adorable!!  Second, Reed and Zuri were sooooo cute together.  They sat next to each other and watched TV........for a split second.  They sat next to each other at the fireplace...........for a split second.  They played with Reed's toys...........for a split second.  Notice a trend?  What do you expect; they are almost 2!  LOL  One thing that lasted for longer than a split second was Reed chasing Zuri around.  :o)

Here are some pics from our visit.

Sweet Baby Ryder

Aren't they cute together?  I see an arranged marriage in their future....

Something peaked their interests!

Brent was holding Reed up over his head and Reed held a perfect plank.
You can't tell it by this picture, but it was cute!

Brent and Ryder.

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