Sunday, October 14, 2012

Zoo Boo

We are on a staycation this week.  We started with Zoo Boo today.  This was Zuri's first time at the zoo and she had a blast!

Here she was on the way there.  She looks thrilled, doesn't she?  She really didn't want the costume on.  I'm surprised she kept the ears on long enough for the picture.

Our first stop was the ocean exhibit.  Zuri loved the stingrays.  Here she is watching them go by.  :o)
We were given free tickets to the dolphin show.  Zuri decided she wanted to sit in the splash zone.

I took this picture right before...........
 I took this one...............
 After the dolphin show, we headed towards the train.  Here's a pic of "Minnie Mouse" on our way. 
I think Zuri's favorite part of the trip was this tiger.  She went absolutely nuts when the tiger came up to the glass.  When I say "absolutely nuts", I mean she was screaming like crazy --- screams of joy --- and running up and down the length of the glass as the tiger did. 
We were able to tear her away from the tiger so we could go to the train.  Isn't she the cutest Minnie Mouse ever?
When we went through the tunnel, Zuri's eye got HUGE!  She wasn't scared, she was just wondering what was going on.  :o)
Here's one of the giraffes we saw on the train ride.
 After the train ride and before we left, Daddy and Zuri decided to get a picture together.  :o)
Here's a family picture I took after we left.  It was the best one I could get.  :o)

1 comment:

  1. Zuri you are so pretty! Like I said mommy and daddy need to get you a little kitty since you seem to enjoy the tiger. You are the prettiest Minnie Mouse I have ever seen.

    Grandma Newbold loves you very much <3
