Sunday, September 9, 2012

Captain Zuri

We met Jodie and Lucas out for frozen yogurt last night.  Zuri was obsessed with the girl working by the yogurt machines.  Lucas was obsessed with the yogurt his mommy wasn't feeding him fast enough!  Before we left, Zuri and I got matching stamps.  I forgot to take a picture.
This was the best picture we could get of Lucas and Zuri together.  Just ignore me please.  LOL

Today, Brent and I both went in to work so my dad and stepmom came over to watch Zuri.  Here's a picture my dad sent to me while we were gone.  I just want to squeeze those cheeks!!
After we got home, we hung out and watched football.  When I was flipping through the pictures I took, I saw this one and immediately thought of the Captain Morgan commercials.  HA!!!

Call me Captain Zuri

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