Saturday, July 21, 2012

Party Time......

We started the morning with breakfast at Hotcakes Emporium with Uncle Franco.
Then we hung out for a bit before we went down to the fair.
Zuri playing on her Daddy's iPad.
At the fair, Zuri had her first Lemon Shakeup.  There wasn't much going on when we got there so we just walked around.
She kept saying and signing "more".

Flying high!

Well at least Mommy was looking at the camera.  ;o)
After the fair, we had 2 parties to attend.  First, we went to a 50th Wedding Anniversary party for my Great Uncle and Great Aunt, George and Barbara.
Papaw Cox and Zuri at the party.
 Then we went to Logan's 3rd birthday party!
Wait for me, Logan!!

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