Sunday, March 4, 2012

Zuri's 1st Birthday Party

Today was Zuri's 1st birthday party.  We are blessed to have so many people in our lives that love Zuri and were able to make it to her party.  Here are a few pictures from today.  I'll add more once I get pictures from our cousin, Shellie.  Side note: Thank goodness for Shellie taking pictures, otherwise we would not have any pictures of the setup!  LOL

Grandpa John and Zuri

Mommy and Zuri
Hailee and Zuri

Zuri is a bully.  She took Alana's pacifier and then teased her with it.

Emilia, Franco, and Z!
Trev took this picture and I LOVE it!

Zuri took a cat nap on the way home.

Playing at home after the party

Stay tuned for more pictures!!

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