Monday, June 15, 2015


I was chastised today for not updating the blog over the past couple weekends. ;)

Here's a recap of what Zuri has been up to. 

We attended Trevor's open house. Once Shelby appeared, it was game over.  She loves Shelby!
Zuri made everyone put the flower in their hair and she took their pictures. :)
The next day, Papaw brought over donuts and Zuri decided to have Pringles with her donut.  She's a little strange. lol
Last Thursday, we went to the St. Mark festival. Zuri enjoyed the pony ride and the bounce houses. She didn't want to leave!!
We grabbed some ice cream before leaving. 
And played in the bubbles!
This past weekend, Zuri fell asleep while I was holding her. It was so sweet. I miss those moments. 
Saturday night, Zuri was trying to get something (I can't remember what she wanted) so she said, "I'll give you the puppy dog face."  Despite the puppy dog face, I said no (evil mom, I know)!!
That about covers it. :) Hope you're satisfied, Aunt Junie. Hahaha!

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