Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Bella, Braces, and Broadway!

Last night, Zuri helped clean Bella's litter box. We will see how long that lasts!
Here's a picture of Bella. She's still in hiding, but has come out at night for a bit. By night, I mean 12:30am until 3am. :)
Today, we had to go get Zuri's braces to help stop her toe walking. She loved the room we were in and loved the pattern of the braces. She should love it, she got to pick the pattern! It's Rapunzel if you can't see it clearly. We have to ease her into wearing them - an hour or two through the weekend and then full time next week. 
After picking up braces, we went to the dance studio for a Broadway camp!  Zuri loved it.  Their routine was adorable!  They each took turns directing and got to sit in the Director's Chair. 
I will end this post with Zuri's picture from this morning because I think it's just too cute not to share!!  We take a picture each morning for Daddy and also for Julie, Junie, and Tina (I get harassed come 8am if I don't send one!) ;)

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