Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Night of Dance

Wordless Wednesday will continue next week!  Tonight was Zuri's first night of dance.  Rachael and Alana joined us.  We met up for dinner and then went to dance.  Zuri was very excited about dance; Alana was undecided.  The 2 year old class is the only class that parents are allowed to observe and participate.  We get in the room, the instructor starts the music, asks everyone to get in a circle, and Zuri starts crying.  Alana wasn't crying, I don't think, but she was clingy.  Both girls were very clingy and wouldn't do anything!  After a few minutes, Alana warmed up and participated.  Zuri and I ended up sitting in the chairs at the edge of the room.  When it came time for the obstacle course, Zuri said she wanted to go do tuck and rolls.  She didn't end up doing them.  More crying!  She finally participated (slightly) with the scarfs.  At the end of class, she did enjoy the stamp and the sucker.  She told me she wanted to go back next week.  I sure hope next week is better!!!  :o)

Potty Training Update:  Zuri only had 1 accident today and it was a #2 which I know will take longer to master!!!!

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