Saturday, August 3, 2013

A little of this, a little of that

We decided to go get ice cream Thursday after dinner.  Daddy thought an ice cream cone for Zuri would be a good idea (we weren't in his car!).  Lucky for him, she did great and didn't make a mess.  ;o)

After ice cream, we played on the swing set for a little bit.

Today, Zuri and I had lunch with Aunt Julie and Papaw John.  Zuri loves to throw money in water fountains.  Papaw was a sucker nice and gave her some money to throw in.
Before bath, we watched Caillou.  Zuri loves that show.  Me, not so much.  She did go pee pee on the potty though, so I let her watch an episode.  Hey, whatever it takes to get her to pee on the potty!

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