Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The past 5 1/2 months in pictures

I know I gave a Cliffs Notes version yesterday, but I wanted to share some more of my favorite pictures (and a video) from the past 5 1/2 months! 

Z with her informational card at the hospital.

This was taken the day Alana came home.  Both girls were hungry so Alana is crying and Zuri is trying to eat her!  LOL

This was one of the pictures Cassie took when she did Z's newborn pictures.  :)

This is Zuri with her cousin Claire. Claire was born 9 days after Zuri.

This is one of my favs for sure!  My dad was holding her and he yelled for me to look what she was doing.

Z's first day at the pool with Nikki and Halle.

Rachael and I thought that it would be a good idea to have the girls' pictures done.  They cooperated for a minute.  LOL

This is Zuri with my sister's stepson, Jonathan. 

Brent's stepmom, Dixie, was talking to Zuri and she was making some hilarious faces!

Could be my all time fav....

My cousin Derek.  He's not big on holding babies.  I kind of threw her at him.  HA!

She's such a happy baby.

She's ready for some BBQ!

Mommy, do I have to read all of these before I eat?!

How sweet is this?!

Okay, last picture for today.  I took this picture this morning.  It's the best picture I have of her teeth.  I still can't believe she has them.

My aunt Tina really wants video so here's a video from this weekend.  Brent's dad and stepmom came over Saturday and we went to lunch, played cards, and went to dinner.  This was in the car after dinner.  Dixie said "no-no" just playing around and Zuri thought it was hilarious!!  We may be in trouble.  HA!!

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