Wednesday, August 17, 2011

35mm film.....

Tonight, Zuri and I met up with a friend from high school and her 3 year old son (Krista and Drew).  Aunt J (who is now Grandma J b/c he waitress thought she was my mom) showed up to see Zuri and hang out for a minute.  I think Krista and I must have worn the kids out with our catching up because almost at the same time, this happened:

Aren't they both just adorable?!  Brent showed up after basketball (we were there to support the Tyler Leitzman Memorial Scholarship Fund) and took Z home so I could visit a little longer (okay, really because she was getting tired, but whatever!).  Krista and I both won a $5 off coupon for thirty one.  YAY!

Before dinner, Zuri was in her exersaucer playing with her favorite item on it.  By playing, I mean eating.

Are you wondering yet how I came up with today's title?  Well on the way to dinner, I couldn't resist taking this picture (I was stopped at a stop light, don't freak out!).  You see where it says "We process 35mm film"?  I posted this on Facebook and said something about it not being 1991 anymore.  :)

Here are a couple of pics from last night of daddy and Z playing on the floor.  You can see Clayton hard at work on his homework and Sandy just sitting there watching.  :)

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