Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Bowl Sunday

We started the day off with filling out Valentine's for school. We told Zuri she was like a celebrity signing autographs. She even told Eric and Karen after church that she did autographs before church. Ha!
We went to the annual Vandivier Super Bowl Party. This was Zuri's first time going. Zuri enjoyed playing with Lila, Alana, Maddie, and the other kids as well. 

Playing pool. 
What cookie with blue icing?!
Mommy/Daughter selfie. 
Zuri and Alana getting ready to head to the other side of the building. That's where they played house. It was much quieter over there. 
The cases of beer were their beds. LOL 
Don't worry, the girls didn't get into anything they weren't supposed to. They just wanted a quiet place to play house.

On the way home, we had this conversation....

Zuri: Do we know anyone else named Madeline?
Me: Trevor's girlfriend is Madeline. 
Zuri: Besides her?
Me: Not that we know.
Brent: There was a sitcom in the 80s with a Madeline. 
Zuri: Is that a TV show?
Brent: Yes.
Zuri: Then I don't care. I'm only asking about people in this world. 

Oh my....

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